With its origin in Kerala, Avial has also gained fame in other South Indian states like Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. Today, avial has become an unavoidable dish for lunch. It s also a major dish in the traditional Onam Sadya. Avial is also easy to prepare, extremely light and highly nutritious for the body. This colourful dish never fails to entice the taste buds with its rich flavour and mouth-watering aroma.
Avial is a light, coconut-based dish loaded with the most healthy vegetables. Cooked in coconut oil, it includes drumsticks, brinjal, carrot, pumpkin, carrot and other essential spices. Hence, it is filled with Vitamin A, fibre, beta-carotene, folic acids, and a lot more. The key to making the perfect avial is to give equal attention to the visual appeal as well as maintain the crunchy consistency of the veggies used.
Now let’s look into the health benefits of various ingredients used for making avial.
Coconut: The raw white pulp inside the coconut is known as the kernel and it has a firm texture and a slightly sweet flavour. Coconut is the major component of avial that gives it a creamy consistency. Coconut contains protein, several important minerals and small amounts of Vitamin B. They are also rich in copper and iron, which help form red blood cells in the body.
Drumsticks: Drumsticks help in boosting the functioning of the gallbladder, which helps to maintain the blood sugar levels in the body. As they are loaded with calcium and iron, it improves bone density and makes them stronger. Fibre is another important nutrient in drumsticks that helps in keeping your digestion on track.
Pumpkin: Pumpkin is the best for weight loss as you can consume more of it than any other carb source, like rice and potatoes, even while taking in fewer calories. Pumpkin is also a good source of fibre, which can keep your hunger under control.
Beans: Rich in folic acid, consuming beans is good for the body, especially for pregnant women. They have low calories and can be consumed to lose weight. With minimal quantities of sodium, cholesterol, and saturated fat, they are ideal for weight loss.
Carrots: Carrots have more vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can boost immunity, reduce the risk of certain cancers, heal wounds and improve digestion when consumed as part of a balanced diet.
Brinjal: As they have a low glycaemic index, it aids in effective weight loss. Brinjals are high in fibre and low in calories, which gives a feeling of fullness and satiety.
Making avial is not a tough job, once you get all the vegetables diced. Onionz Fresh delivers fresh, pre-cut vegetables that are easy to cook. You can just place the order online, and wait for it to get delivered to your doorstep. Once you get the veggies, head to your kitchen and make healthy, delicious avial in minutes. You can use this as a side dish with rice. South Indians love this dish as this single dish is just enough to make you full.